Silk Road Administrator “Inigo” Busted?!
Posted by: DeepDotWeb December 20, 2013
Update 2 : Warning – Sr2.0 & DPR might be compromised!
Update: All this info was confirmed – The silk road moderators / admins: ANDREW MICHAEL JONES, a/k/a “Inigo,” GARY DAVIS, a/k/a “Libertas,” and PETER PHILLIP NASH, a/k/a “Samesamebutdifferent,” a/k/a “Batman73,” a/k/a “Symmetry,” a/k/a “Anonymousasshit were arrested – We have posted the official statements and indictments here along with more information regarding the bust and updated this post with the current information.
Another Day, another dark net shitstorm started today as some woman claiming to be the Girlfriend of a “Silk road Administrator / Mod” posted on reddit that her boyfriend just got arrested today:
(Original thread here:
This has started a wave of rumors over the forums:
“I’m not sure what his login name was, all i know is that apparently he was an admin and then a mod and that he also ran the book club. He is a wonderful person and has been supporting me (due to my chronic pain), so to say the least my world has been turned inside out and upside down. They told me they were making arrests all around the world at the same time….can anyone give me any info on who he was? i’m hoping he was well liked and respected because even though i didn’t know he was doing this, I can guarantee he was doing it out of his passion for Libertarianism and for the idea of a free marketplace. Just thought i would pass on the message…..”
Can anyone speak to the validity of this?
And a posted on Tormarket claimed to catch as post on the silkroad vendor Roundtable (a restricted forum area for vendors only) just before it was deleted posting a warning about the arrest (apparently it was posted by one of the arrested mods or some other vendor who later removed this post):
If the above post was indeed posted by one of the mods / vendors (and only if) – it is a strong indication that SR2.0 is compromised as well – The complete opposite of what is being claimed by the SR2 mods and DPR only post on this matter.
And another “Anonymous” Post on Tormarket claimed that Libertas Was arrested (this is was later confirmed to be, see Original thread on Tormarket forums: http://7kyuxl5h7xjl6eir.onion/index.php?topic=1392.25):![]()
PLEASE, all I ask. Hold off on the abuse – even the responses, please. All I ask is that in 24-48 hours after verification, you take on board my further comments and acknowledge. Didn’t post on SR for obvious security reasons.
The Girl From reddit “Backed Up” her claims by posting something that suppose to be the search warrant – she used a market to take out the name which is still very readable…:
She added later on the Search Warrant which is signed by a judge (we blanked personal details and address):
Cirrus, a silk road forum mod stated they they are looking into this matter:
This business card was supposedly given to the girlfriend by the FBI (thanks to Tormarket user gabralkhan for sending us this image) – This card belongs to an agent named Christopher Tarbell, the agent who was in charge of the first silk road investigation:
All these events are followed be a recent change made by the new “dread pirate roberts” to hes PGP key few days ago, we are still waiting for hes comment on this matter along with an official statement that was not yet released till now regarding these recent arrests. this Key change has raised many questions on the forums regarding DPR’s security, and these questions have not yet answered.
Once again we would like to remind you that the first DPR was arrested while chatting online with a co-operating witness, so someone inside the Silk Road administrator is still a rat. and again, the Googleyed post (i guess that we will have to remind this again in the future):
Keep yourself updated at the discussion thread on Silk road forums: http://silkroad5v7dywlc.onion/index.php?topic=10153.0
Updated: 2013-12-20