Rules for Posting Market Reviews

1 minute read

Market reviews are very important aspect of all market’s reputation and are crucial the way users & vendors decide which markets to use, thats why we take them very seriously, so once and for all i decided to post a clear list of guidelines for posting market reviews.

Basically, your review MIGHT be deleted if it will contain anything but market review, that means:

  1. If It will contain blatant advertising of some products (i.e post your vendor ad on several markets).
  2. If you will post the same review more than once (even if the text is different).
  3. If you will Shill = leave good reviews for yourself and bad for others. This is a very common reason for disapproval or deletion.
  4. If you will Give a market low score because a vendor scammed you, doesn’t matter if you FE’d, stayed in escrow, or used multisig, its your problem, not the market.
  5. If you will post any kind of personal information.
  6. If you will post links to downloadable files.
  7. If you will post non-darknet related contact info (ie. Skype , ICQ , Email etc).
  8. If it will contain anything that will be suspected as scam service / site.
  9. If it will contain anything that will be suspected as phishing – If you want to let us know about url changes or alternative urls, use the contact page.
  10. If you will post referral links.
  11. If you will leave low score because you got phished (In addition to having regular reports from reliable vendors and buyers, we test all markets on a regular basis from anonymous accounts to know if you can deposit / withdraw) so no point at leaving “Admins are scammers!!!11! i can’t login after deposit” or “EXIT SCAM!!!” reviews because YOU got phished, lost your password, PIN or whatever.
  12. If you will post unrelated / unknown links to other sites / services.
  13. If you will post more than one review in a row to add more info, they will be merged into one.

These rules might change from time to time without notice, deletion will be done without notice, its your responsibility to learn and understand these rules.

Updated: 2015-11-27</span>